May 2018
University of InnsbruckPhD in Computer Science
I focused on (music) information retrieval and (music) recommender systems.
May 2014
University of InnsbruckMSc Degree in Business Information Systems
I focused on recommender systems and in particular on music recommender systems.
July 2012
University of InnsbruckBSc Degree in Economics
I focused on empirical economics and in particular on time series analysis.
October 2019 - Current
University of Innsbruck
External Lecturer
I'm teaching Database Systems for the Master Information Systems and Unsupervised Machine Learning for the ULG Data Science.
September 2018 - Current
University of Applied Sciences Salzburg
External Lecturer
I'm teaching Advanced Databases and Recommender Systems.
March 2013 - Current
Self-emplyedSelf-emplyed Consultant and Data Scientist
I'm a freelance data scientist and consultant, happy to support data related projects for companies of any size.
March 2010 - Current
Pichl Medaillen GmbH
Active Partner
Shareholder and general manager, focusing on applying machine learning techniques for marketing automation.
June 2014 - June 2018
University of Innsbruck
University Assistant
For four years, I have been a university assistant in the Databases and Information Systems Group (DBIS) at the University of Innsbruck. Besides research in the field of information retrieval and recommender systems, I hold Proseminars in the courses databases, data warehouse systems, algorithms and data structures as well as information retrieval.